Encouraging a wholesome and sustainable practice through mentorship
The Professional Development and Professional Support mentorship programmes rethink and expand on the relationship between artists and Art organisations.
Introduction —
Aimed at emerging artists and photographers, the Professional Development Programme has been conceived to offer a comprehensive and wholesome upskilling process of professionalisation over a period of 6 months to selected artists. The programme extends the generally limited outcomes of exhibition making in contemporary practice, oftentimes focused merely on the act of displaying work, or carried over by either side as a disengaged arrangement.
Instead, the programme proposes a more thorough and methodical engagement between the artists and the exhibition space; it both extends and deepens the relationship between the parts involved, and most importantly, it nurtures core values and competences through ongoing one-on-one mentorship.
The mentorship support focuses on three core areas of the artist’s practice:
- Research & Project Development;
- Practice Management & Self-Discipline;
- Business Skills & Sustainability.
Meetings with the mentor are planned ahead according to each individual’s requirement, and aimed at specific areas that need development.
The programme includes the production of touring-ready materials whenever possible, an exhibition at The Library Project, the production of a publication under the TLP Editions banner, a written evaluation of the process, and an official acknowledgement on completion.
The outcome of the programme sees the artist enjoying a strengthened and confident practice, a solid national and international network, and the open prospects of the immediate opportunities generated.
The Professional Development Programme is complemented with the advanced mentorship of the Professional Support Programme, aimed at artists with a well-established practice looking to receive support in a very specific area of their work, or in aid of defined projects.
Need help?
By now, both these programmes are accessed by invitation only, though there are plans to submit these to open call processes in the future. Any students, graduates, and artists interested in receiving support on a project, publishing, exhibiting, networking, etc., can book an inexpensive one-on-one consultancy session online, and get in touch to arrange an ideal date and time. Alternatively, these can be booked in person at The Library Project.