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Exhibition Making with Steven Maybury

By 9th December 2017March 19th, 2019Output

SeminarsOutput — 01

Exhibition Making
with Steven Maybury


This seminar is structured for a small team of artist, writers, curators, designers who are interested in exhibition making. It covers practice, development, production & function of contemporary exhibition making.


The hands-on Exhibition Making seminar offers participants the opportunity to evaluate and nurture ideas behind the practice, development, production and function of contemporary exhibition making. The seminar brings participants into relevant discussions in the forming of ideas on the subject, covering fundamental issues and aiming to develop:

  • Interpersonal skills:
    – Evaluating individual strengths
    – Team working
    – Delegating responsibilities appropriately
    – Collective decision making
    – Self-discipline
  • Curatorial skills:
    – Conversation, Context and Discourse
    – Approaches to Exhibition Making
  • Arts Administration skills:
    – Marketing Communications
    – Practicalities around Exhibition Making
    – Community and Audience: Activating an exhibition

The seminar culminates with the installation of an exhibition developed collectively by all participants throughout the weekly sessions. It will run at The Library Project for over a week, and enjoy its own launch night.

Working outside of the seminar times is essential to the developing of the exhibition.


8 sessions of 3 hours Friday evenings at 6.30pm
17-24 November, 1-8-15-18-22 Dec 2017
Exhibition Installation 29-31 Jan 2018
Exhibition Launches 1st Feb 2018
Location: The Library Project, 4 Temple Bar Street, Dublin.
€300 per person



Steven Maybury is an Irish artist currently based in Dublin. Maybury’s practice has lead him to curate, advise and assist the making of many exhibitions. Maybury has worked closely with The Library Project, PhotoIreland Festival and The Eight Gallery in the developing, production, curation, and overseeing of exhibitions and events. Maybury also co-founded ESC magazine and is currently the head of teaching in The Dublin Photography School.

Recently Maybury’s work exhibited in Fault Lines, curated by The Drawing Works in The Patriot Hall Gallery in Edinburgh as part of The 2017 Edinburgh Arts Festival. Fault Lines was reviewed by Art historian and critic – Duncun MacMillan as one of the best shows in the festival. Maybury also exhibited a solo exhibition in May/June titled – A Rhythm Exposed, which was displayed in both galleries in The Mart Gallery. An installation from this exhibition was exhibited in The Santa Monica Studios in Los Angeles in July. Steven is also involved in several creative projects, including The Mundi Project commissioned by Luciano Benetton. Steven’s work has been invited to present itself on The Drawing Suite, European drawing blog in 2015 and The Drawing Works, a blog and platform for drawing based in London who exhibit regularly.

He is currently represented by The Mart Gallery and The Drawing Works.